Business Process Model and Notation - BPMN Tutorials & BPMN Training Videos

At, our mission is to provide a comprehensive and accessible platform for learning Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). We believe that BPMN is a critical tool for businesses to optimize their processes and improve their overall efficiency. Our goal is to empower individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively utilize BPMN in their daily operations. Through our user-friendly interface, engaging content, and expert guidance, we strive to make BPMN accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of experience or expertise. Join us on our mission to revolutionize the way businesses approach process modeling and optimization.

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Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a graphical representation of business processes. It is a standardized notation that is used to model business processes, making it easier to understand and communicate them. BPMN is widely used in the business world, and it is essential for anyone who wants to work in business process management. This cheat sheet will cover everything you need to know to get started with BPMN.

BPMN Basics

BPMN is a graphical notation that uses symbols to represent different elements of a business process. The following are the basic elements of BPMN:

  1. Flow Objects: Flow objects are the basic building blocks of a BPMN diagram. They represent the activities, events, and gateways that make up a business process.

  2. Connecting Objects: Connecting objects are used to connect flow objects and represent the flow of the process. They include sequence flows, message flows, and association flows.

  3. Swimlanes: Swimlanes are used to group activities and events by the roles or departments that perform them. They can be horizontal or vertical and can represent different levels of the organization.

  4. Artifacts: Artifacts are used to provide additional information about the process. They include data objects, groups, and annotations.

BPMN Symbols

BPMN uses a variety of symbols to represent different elements of a business process. The following are the most common symbols used in BPMN:

  1. Event Symbols: Event symbols represent something that happens during the process. There are three types of event symbols: start events, intermediate events, and end events.

  2. Activity Symbols: Activity symbols represent the work that is done during the process. There are two types of activity symbols: tasks and sub-processes.

  3. Gateway Symbols: Gateway symbols represent decision points in the process. There are three types of gateway symbols: exclusive gateways, inclusive gateways, and parallel gateways.

  4. Connecting Symbols: Connecting symbols represent the flow of the process. There are three types of connecting symbols: sequence flows, message flows, and association flows.

BPMN Diagram Types

BPMN diagrams can be divided into four types:

  1. Process Diagrams: Process diagrams are used to model the overall flow of a business process. They include all the activities, events, and gateways that make up the process.

  2. Collaboration Diagrams: Collaboration diagrams are used to model the interactions between different participants in a business process. They include message flows and pools.

  3. Choreography Diagrams: Choreography diagrams are used to model the interactions between different participants in a business process. They include message flows and choreography tasks.

  4. Conversation Diagrams: Conversation diagrams are used to model the interactions between different participants in a business process. They include message flows and conversation nodes.

BPMN Best Practices

The following are some best practices for creating BPMN diagrams:

  1. Keep it Simple: BPMN diagrams should be easy to understand and communicate. Keep them simple and avoid unnecessary complexity.

  2. Use Consistent Notation: Use consistent notation throughout the diagram. This will make it easier to understand and communicate.

  3. Use Swimlanes: Use swimlanes to group activities and events by the roles or departments that perform them. This will make it easier to understand the process.

  4. Use Descriptive Labels: Use descriptive labels for activities and events. This will make it easier to understand what is happening in the process.

  5. Use Annotations: Use annotations to provide additional information about the process. This will make it easier to understand the process.


BPMN is an essential tool for anyone who wants to work in business process management. It is a standardized notation that is used to model business processes, making it easier to understand and communicate them. This cheat sheet covers everything you need to know to get started with BPMN, including the basic elements, symbols, diagram types, and best practices. With this knowledge, you will be able to create effective BPMN diagrams that will help you manage your business processes more efficiently.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) - A graphical representation of business processes used to standardize and streamline communication between stakeholders.
2. Process - A series of activities that transform inputs into outputs.
3. Activity - A task or step in a process.
4. Event - A trigger that starts or ends a process or activity.
5. Gateway - A decision point in a process that determines the next step based on certain conditions.
6. Flow Object - A term used to describe activities, events, and gateways in a process.
7. Sequence Flow - A line that connects flow objects to show the order in which they occur.
8. Message Flow - A line that connects pools or lanes to show communication between them.
9. Pool - A container for a process that represents an organization or department.
10. Lane - A sub-container within a pool that represents a role or function.
11. Artifact - A symbol used to provide additional information about a process, such as a data object or annotation.
12. Data Object - A symbol used to represent data used or produced by a process.
13. Annotation - A symbol used to provide additional information about a process or element.
14. Choreography - A type of BPMN diagram that shows how two or more participants interact to complete a process.
15. Collaboration - A type of BPMN diagram that shows how two or more participants work together to achieve a common goal.
16. Business Rule Task - An activity that applies a business rule to a process.
17. Call Activity - An activity that references another process.
18. Sub-Process - A process that is part of a larger process.
19. Event-Based Gateway - A gateway that determines the next step based on an event.
20. Exclusive Gateway - A gateway that determines the next step based on a single condition.

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